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Latest Event Announcement




Here we will upload our foundation's event program to share with you at any time.

 And these activities are not only volunteers for this group, but also a part of opening up to the community take it from society, use it on the platform of the society, and enter the community.

Upcoming Events

  • 兒童線上讀經班May 7 2023
    兒童線上讀經班May 7 2023
    Sun, May 07
    Online Children's Scripture Reading Class
    May 07, 2023, 7:00 PM – Dec 17, 2023, 7:00 PM
    歡迎參加天德文教基金會「兒童線上讀經班」新進度線上課程2023 0507 開學了.歡迎e mail 詢問. Welcome to join the Tian-Der Charity's "Online Children's Scripture Reading Class" new session online course starting on 2023-05-07. Please feel free to email us for inquiries.
  • 中秋月圓心燈亮
    Sat, Sep 10
    Sep 10, 2022, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
  • 親子兒童線上讀經班 Parent-child on-line classic Bible Chinese Reading class
    親子兒童線上讀經班 Parent-child on-line classic Bible Chinese Reading class
    Sun, May 16
    714-914-5677 Lillian
    May 16, 2021, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
    讀經典,習品德,孝父母,學禮節 歡迎您和您的小孩一起加入我們的線上讀經班識中文的課程。Reading Chinese classics, learn moral character, filial respect parents, and learn etiquette. We welcome you and your children to join our online reading Chinese classic and learn Chinese.
  • 防疫愛心包捐贈活動 Anti-epidemic charity donation activity
    防疫愛心包捐贈活動 Anti-epidemic charity donation activity
    Tue, Apr 21
    Fountain Valley
    Apr 21, 2020, 9:20 AM – May 11, 2020, 3:35 AM
    希望善心人士可以在您的能力範圍內,可以提供一個防疫愛心包給街友。最近因為Covid 19的疫情發生,導致很多人陷入失業、無家可歸、經濟陷入困境。如果您能捐出$15.00我們將會購買食物及街友需要的避寒之相關用品。小小的幫助至少可以減少他們部分的負擔。感謝您的愛心參與。您可以開支票或可以減少他們部分的負擔。感謝您的愛心參與。您可以開支票或把捐款直接把捐款存入我們的帳號。請註明Love for Covid-19。
  • 花花草草戶外活動 Outdoor activities
    花花草草戶外活動 Outdoor activities
    Sun, Oct 20
    Huntington Beach Central Park
    Oct 20, 2019, 10:20 AM
    利用戶外活動中學習認知草木的知識 Use outdoor living to learn knowledge of cognitive plants.
  • 花束教學 Bouquet Teaching
    花束教學 Bouquet Teaching
    Sun, Aug 25
    Fountain Valley
    Aug 25, 2019, 9:30 AM
    每個人都喜歡花朵的芬芳和美麗的花束所帶來的喜悅。基金會特別安排一場花束教學給我們女性的志工們一個美好的經驗。 Everyone loves the fragrance of flowers and the joy of a beautiful bouquets. The Foundation has specially arranged a bouquet seminar providing for our female volunteers a wonderful experience.
  • 手工咖啡泡製教學 Manual coffee brewing instruction
    手工咖啡泡製教學 Manual coffee brewing instruction
    Sun, Aug 11
    Fountain Valley
    Aug 11, 2019, 9:40 AM
    咖啡是生活中一種提神和放鬆精神的一種飲料。藉由此活動讓我們可以自己在家泡製手工咖啡,何嘗不是人生的一種享受。 Coffee can be a refreshing and relaxing drink in our everyday life . This activity allows us to make handmade coffee at home, What a enjoyment in our daily life !
  • 素食Vege BBQ夏威夷主題 Vegetarian BBQ Hawaiian Theme Party
    素食Vege BBQ夏威夷主題 Vegetarian BBQ Hawaiian Theme Party
    Sun, Jul 14
    Fountain Valley
    Jul 14, 2019, 10:30 AM
    利用炎熱的夏天,舉辦一場以「夏威夷為主題」的Party 讓大家在酷熱的暑假中享受歡樂的氣氛. This summer will hold a "Hawaiian theme" Party and let everyone enjoy the joyous atmosphere during the hot summer day.
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